
Wizards of Pagonia - Chapter Two, Part III

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It was a time of legends, wizards, and heroes...

And speaking of heroes, when we last left our heroes –the Wizards of Pagonia- they had officially become registered wizards eligible to compete in the Grand Wizarding Tournament. Which meant that they could now compete for diamagics in attempt to reconstruct the Sorcerer's Supreme Crown. But no sooner does this happen does the Phantom Brat invade yet another one of CK's dreams. This time she tries to seduce CK to join the dark side, but the autistic giraffe refuses, sticking with his honest team.

The next day, the team begins competing in the mysterious Dolmen Swamp in order to find the Sorcerer's Scroll. Their competition: Team Angel Wings, a team led by the white haired eye gem Angel the Cat and her two partners. Akari the wolf and Carrie Chinchilla. Both of them just as equally strong and sometimes equally vicious. But neither of them a match for the Pagonians as they are the first to find the Scroll, a rite of passage in the competition. What the Angels find instead is trouble. They are now dangling off the edge of a waterfall, their only hope is how long CK and his magic paintbrush can endure holding onto extra weight.

The leader of the Wizards of Pagonia accidently looked down. After repeatedly telling himself not to in his head, he made a stupidly foolish move and did anyway. He cursed himself for doing so. Ever since riding Mel's ship, the Scarlet Bruiser, his fear of heights has weakened a tiny bit. But that wasn't enough to prepare him for this. While looking for the Sorcerer's Scroll, something that was now in his pant pocket, the Angel Wings team had nearly fallen down a waterfall. Had it not been for CK's sense of right and wrong, the Angels would literally have been angels by now.

But if his team didn't act quickly enough, they might still be attending a fitting for a halo. And so would he.

CK had few options. He could easily just climb up his brush, but his legs weren't the strongest part of his body. He could make the others climb it, but they were scared beyond belief that they were as stiff as rock. Finally, there was the option of falling, but something told the giraffe that would be a general no no. So, for the time being, he was gonna have to wait on his team to make a move.

"Sorry if I sound a bit impatient," Carrie, the small gray chinchilla, said as she dangled from the on the vine connecting all the Angels. Unlike the other four, she was stuck in a position were she was actually forced to look down towards the far off ground below. Her backside was also facing the wall of rushing aqua, and her rump was getting soaked. "But when's your special team up there gonna do something?"

"Gotta have a bit of patience," CK said. Little did the little gray mammal know was that the tall pale giraffe was freaking out inside. He didn't want to die, he really didn't. Nobody ever wants to die. And this was a cruel way to go. The only bright sides to this were that he was helping people and that the Brat wouldn't have the privilege of killing him herself. "I'm sure my team will come up with a plan anytime now!"

Danny was struggling to breath. His knees wobbled so hard that they constantly knocked into each other, creating a drum like noise. His teeth chattered up and down, adding a xylophone to the drum. His whole body became an orchestra as he worried for his friend's life. Back on Mount Fang, he wasn't used to these high levels of excitement and suspense. Now suddenly these guys come along and fill his life with adventure. It was almost too much for him to take.

Mel and Kitty struggled to keep him on his large brown feet. He was vibrating so hard that it was hard to keep their balance. Mel then looked at Danny and said sternly: "Danny, we need you to calm down. We need you to help us rescue CK, okay?"

"I can't," Danny squeaked. "I-I-I'm not strong enough and besides I-I already t-told you I-I-I can't handle vines."

The little brown rabbit felt so useless. Some team player he was. His friend was gonna die and it was his fault! As Danny's spirits began to sank, Kitty came up in front of him and looked him directly in the eye. He stopped shaking as the two pair of eyes locked onto each other. Neither of them spoke, all they needed to say was in their eyes. The sparkling purple eyes of Kitty Kubbles told Danny: Danny, I know you can do it! Do it for CK, if not at least do it for me.

Danny was still hesitant. Nobody moved. Finally he said, "I… I will try!"

He then walked up to the edge of the hole and closed his eyes. He breathed deeply in and out. In order to do this, he needed to summon up a good percent of both his strength and intelligence. After breathing in enough air to fill the lungs of a dragon, Danny opened his eyes and stuck out his staff towards the vines.

By now Akari had stopped crying. Her cheeks were gray, stained by her main frightened tears. She rubbed them off on the back of CK's orange poncho. She trembled in fear, making it even harder for CK's big old hooves to keep their grip on the edge of the cliff. Queen Angel curled up into a beetle position, thinking about King Ryan. How she wished she was in his arms right now. But at least he was safe at their castle, instead of here near death with them. She thanked the maker that he wasn't here. Carrie, her rear end still getting soaked by the roaring water, simply dangled with a smear on her face.

CK was trying not to think of anything sad like that. Like always, he was thinking of the positive side of things. For one thing, if he lived through this, it would make one heck of a story. And there was still a chance they could make it! There was always a window of hope shinning whenever the dark cloak of despair rears his head. The pale giraffe had lost his home, and probably his mental safety, to the Brat. But so far she had not taken away the one thing that mattered to him: his friends!

His friends were still here, and they were safe.

But then a new thought entered CK's mind: If he died, no one would stop the Brat from hurting them. Without him the Brat could easily crush them with hesitation. Thinking of all the awful things the Brat would do to his friend gave his feet enough power to step forward towards the inside of the cave. He would not let that monstrous witch hurt his friends! Another step was taken forward. As long as he was still here the Brat would not hurt him, his friends, or anyone! Another step forward. CK would fight!

"Hey!" the giraffe's mind was brought back to the real world as he felt the brush move. "The vines are twitching! I can feel them!"

The three girls attached to him immediately snapped to attention. Indeed, the vines were moving. And it was all thanks to Mr. Hare. He struggled to maintain control over the vegetation as his staff pulled the vines backward, pulling the poor souls forward. Had Kitty and Mel not been helping him pull his dark brown staff back, he would've snapped like a toothpick.

"You're doing great Danny!" Kitty managed to say as she clenched her teeth. She was also able to peck her rabbit on the cheek before the three continued to pull.

"Yeah Danny, keep it going!" CK yelled, able to hear what was going on in the cave. But he knew his team couldn't do it alone, it was time to act like a leader. Managing to free one hand, he tied the vine connected Team Angel Wing together and tied it around his belt. He then commanded to them, "Alright girls, listen up: if you wanna live, help the rabbit and start walking forward!"

"You heard the giraffe," Akari said, still clinging onto CK's back. "Let's do this!"

"You too!" the pale skinny giraffe commanded to the skunk life wolf. Akari, not wanting to upset one of the few animals willing to help, did as told without question. Soon enough, all four mammals were walking forward, towards the mouth of the cave. The resistance of the water slipping by their feet made their path slippery and rough, but they couldn't stop! They pushed past the flow and continued their ascent forward. The giraffe kept a good grip on his brush as he shortened his whip.

Meanwhile in the clearing, all the other wizards, sorcerers and witches were rooting for the two teams, now working together. Even Zaius, the red dragon leader of Team Magma Fire, couldn't resist smiling at the two team's actions. Most dragons believed the scaleless was beneath them. Maybe there was a potential in them after all…

In the back of the crowd perched on top of an old tree stump was J.B. Mouse, the first person the Pagonians met when they got to Dolmen. And now he was cheering the team on. The little mouse chanted, "Go tourists go! Let's put on a show! Let's show that cliff whose boss and… and… I'm not good with rhyming, okay!?"

For the moment, CK could care less if anybody could rhyme. It was how good they could climb that mattered to him. And these girls proved tough when given the proper motivation. They continued their assault against the stream while Danny continued to pull back on the vine. Little pellets of sweat poured down Danny! He needed a bit more time to get his friends and Team Angel Wing here.

"Almost there!" the giraffe yelled, knowing that Danny was struggling. His grunts were echoing off the wall in the cavern.

"Hold it steady Danny," Mel nodded.

"We're going to make it!" Carrie beamed. It felt like the weight of ten planets had finally lifted off her shoulders. Little did she, or anyone else for that matter, know that the vegetation had a bitter sense of irony. When the giraffe and three girls came close to the hole back into the cave they came in from, they heard an odd noise. Nobody moved, even Danny managed to stop for a second to try to pinpoint what the noise was.

But the giraffe soon figured out what is was when more of the vines snapped. The chain reaction caused the vines to loosen as well as his paint whip. It slipped off the vines and sent the four poor mammals tumbling back. CK had fallen, and he was too slow to make another paint lasso. All their progress flew right out the door as the mammals fell over the edge.

Time slowed. Lives flashed before eyes. The crowd screamed in panic. The Wizards of Pagonia let the tears flow. The Angels closer their eyes as they prepared to become angels. And as for CK…

"Sorry Kitty," CK frowned. "Guess I just wasn't cut out for this."

The giraffe closed his eyes, not wanting to see his demise come. He begged that it would at least be a merciful and quick death. The wind flowed through his pale fur and curly mane. All the tall mammal could hear was the whistling off the sky as he and the Angels cut through it. Images flashed before CK's eyes. His family, his awful school years, Pagonia, the first meeting with the brat, Kitty-

The image of Kitty surprised CK. She was holding onto his brush while his hooves were still wrapped around it. She smiled. The giraffe couldn't feel the rush of the breeze or the bitter sound of whistles. When CK looked, he saw that he was suspended off the ground, Team Angel Wings still attached to him via the vine belt. The giraffe gasped when he realized that this was not an image of death. It was real.

Kitty chirped, "Friends don't let friends die!"

CK chuckled to himself. He couldn't believe they were alive! Everyone in the clearing cheered for joy, they were okay!

Upon their returning to the clearing, everyone congratulated the Wizards of Pagonia for doing a terrific job. For once the whole team blushed. The Wizards of Mickey seemed especially happy to see the team alive. CK shook hands with all four members while the rest of the team got more praise. Even J.B. couldn't help but add his own little compliments.

"Eh, not too bad for a group of tourists."

Once everyone had quieted down, Lord Fallistar had everyone gather around the screen for him to announce the winners for the first competition in the Grand Wizarding Tournament. "Today, we were shown great skill and courage. Let us not ever forget that-,"

"Skip the old man style speeches and just read the winners," the fat, black cat known as Pete barked. His team mates, the bald headed Beagle Brothers, snickered at the cat's misery. He had lost the rain diamagic to Mickey Mouse when he challenged him for it.

Lord Fallistar cleared his throat, then said, "Well then, in that case, the winners are: Team Magma Fire."

"Of course," Zefren, the teal dragon of the scaled team boasted. He had enough confidence for the entire dragon population. His brothers were easily annoyed by his arrogant ego, as was everyone else. As far as the giant blue reptile could tell, no scaleless deserved the right to use magic. It should've been a privilege preserved for only those with scales. Why Ormen disagreed with this idea was beyond him.  Zaius gave him a dirty look that quickly shut the blue blabbermouth up.

"Please forgive my brother Fallistar," the red dragon apologized. He always had to deal with his brother, even at a young age. His brother Omen taught the leader of Team Magma Fire how to keep his cool when dealing with situations like these. And by now Zaius had perfected the technique to a point where almost nothing angered him. Nothing except for Zefren. Zaius loved his brothers, no doubts. But Zefren was sometimes too much to handle. He did not question the scaleless's access to magic, for they had earned it according to wise Ormen. Zaius was thankful that his youngest brother Zoron was a mute. "Please continue."

Lord Zefren nodded to the red dragon then continued to read: "Team Black Phantom."

"Obviously," Pete mumbled.

"Wizards of Mickey."

Mickey and his friends cheered. They seemed to have the most enthusiasm amongst the otherwise silent crowd. Oswald took note of the awkward silence as he said, "Boring stiffs!"

"And finally," the old man said, "Team Wizards of Pagonia."

Just like the Wizards of Mickey did, the Pagonians cheered for their achievement. Well, CK and Mel did. Kitty and Danny were kissing each other in triumph. The giraffe couldn't believe his stuck out ears though: they had made it! They all had made it. He felt a surge of confidence surge through his limbs and chest, he felt warm all over! The feeling was odd, but bold. CK has felt confidence. Their first major success.

He danced a happy dance to celebrate, and it was enough to get a few laughs. The giraffe couldn't have been happier!

His happiness faded when he noticed three sad wizards hiding in the back of the crowd. Team Angel Wings had lost the match to him, and they nearly died because of him. CK's warm feeling turned ice cold when he saw the looks on their faces. After a brush with death, they shouldn't deserve to go empty handed. So the giraffe got an idea!

"Hey, you three!" CK smiled as he separated from the crowd and over to the three. "Why so glum? You won."

"Oh great, the giraffe's come to gloat," Akari quipped. She seemed just as guilty as CK. She was the one who tried to lead the team Angel was meant to lead. And had she let Angel guide the group on the right path, they would be winners! Winners who would have never been through such a traumatizing event. She moped in silence.

"You are the one who won this time Sir CK," Angel said. Unlike the other two, she was taking the news rather well. She was sad inside, but she had suffered worse torments. One lost was not a loss. Besides, they managed to crawl away with their lives. And it was all thanks to the Pagonian who had acted so bravely. "You have indeed one the scroll fair and square."

"Plus you did save our lives," Carrie explained. She just didn't show any signs of sadness what so ever. "So, we kind of owe ya'."

"No, I owe you guys," CK said as he held up the scroll with his left hand. By now his team was right behind him, curious as to what the autistic giraffe would do next. "You three nearly died because of me… and I figured you worked too hard to leave with broken dreams… so…"

In a shocking instant, the giraffe handed the document to Akari, who took it hesitantly. What was with this guy? He found the scroll first, he had used his brains to do it, his team worked hard for it, and now he was just giving it to them? She was so puzzled, but when she looked up to CK he was smiling shyly. He claimed, "You guys shouldn't be sad. You tried. And as far as I can tell that makes you a winner too!"

Akari smiled. "Thank you."

"Ah, what are friends for?"

Before the team left, they all said their goodbyes to the Wizards. Akari hugged CK as she left. Then Queen Angel came up and nodded at the giraffe. A respectable nod that meant: Thank  you. And finally, Carrie gave her usual goodbye: a slug to the shoulder! CK bit his lip to stop himself from hollering while Carrie said, "I could've easily saved my own team ya' know… but thanks anyway handsome."

When they left, CK asked himself, "Why are women so confusing."

He then turned to face his own team. Even as the sun began to set, he could still see the looks on their faces. He shrunk in size as they stared at him. His throat seemed to tighten when he tried to say, "it's just that- You see the thing is- I- CHEESE!"

"CK," Kitty said. She smiled warmly. The kind of smile that would calm anybody down. "We get it, you did what was right."

"But how are we supposed to compete now?" Mel asked.


The noise came from nowhere. Danny jumped in front of Kitty as soon as he heard it, and CK got out his brush while Mel got out her sword. Thanks to today's events, they were all a little on edge. They didn't need anymore surprises. They stood in a protective circle guarding each other. The four mammals were ready for any attacker that came their way! So, you can't imagine how relieved they were when Johnny Britz stuck his head out of a shrub and said, "Hey tourists! Stop goofin' around and get your rumps over here!"

The group did as instructed. Mel asked, "What is it J.B.?"

"We sort of had a rough day," Kitty admitted as she helped hold up Danny. He was still super exhausted from holding up all the vines.

"Yeah, I saw," the little gray mouse said. He then looked around and scanned for anyone else. It was plainly clear that Dolmen Swamp was empty, except for these five mammals. When Johnny was sure they were all alone, he put his hand into his jacket and slowly pulled something out as he said, "I just figured a couple of tourists would like a nice souvenir."

Clutched in the mouse's white gloved fist was a rolled up piece of beige paper. It was kept rolled up by a scarlet silk ribbon, and on the right corner of the paper was a fancy backwards uppercase P.

Kitty was the first to state the obvious, "The Sorcerer's Scroll!"

"How'd you get this?" Mel asked.

"I know a guy."

"Dude, it is now official," CK stated. "You are awesome!"

"Well, yeah," J.B. admitted. The team made sure to thank the mouse over a dozen times before finally leaving back to the Scarlet Bruiser. It was time to gain some distance between the Scarlet Bruiser and the Capital of Dolmen. The scroll came with a map to all the wizarding competitions in the tournament. And right now, the map was telling them their next spot was the Highlands of Scornia.  With Mel behind the wheel, the ship was off and away.



She watched the group from a dark, hidden location. The whole event had unfurled in her kettle, and now she was watching the flying ship make sail. She chuckled warmly to herself. Her green eyes twinkled with a mischievous delight as her body dripped more ink. Her partner did not understand why she could be so dang happy.

"Why are ye' so dang happy!?" he growled. "That idiot is still alive."

"Killing him was not the point you mindless animal," she replied. For the short time the two had known each other, he had gotten on her nerves. She was smart and sophisticated while he had the IQ of a raisin. But she needed him. As sad as it was it was true. He could do all the heavy lifting and dirty work that she could not accomplish on her own. Not yet anyway. "We were to learn from him. See what he and his team can do. And until I say otherwise, we shall continue to do so."

"Why should we? I oughta go kill him now! While he exhausted, I can grip him by a throat and-"

She moved quicker than he had anticipated. She moved so fast that if you blinked you would have missed. Lightning was molasses compared to her. As soon as he mentioned killing she grabbed the worthless piece of garbage by the throat and pinned him up against the wall. Her eyes now glowed with a new emotion: rage! A women's rage that could make mountains part. He gulped as he looked into her eyes.

"You will NOT lay a finger on him, do you understand?" she growled. A lion would tremble at the strength of her growl. It seemed like something beyond this dimension. Her growl made him shut up almost instantly. "We shall do as I say so, when I say so, and if we do not you might as well be left dead! Get it?"

He nodded. She dropped him. She then looked back in her pot as CK made jokes on the deck of the ship. She blew a kiss at him. When she was gone, her cohort spat at him.
Chapter Two, Part III
Sorry to have kept you guys waiting so long, I had stuff to finish before I could continue. Anyway, when we last left our heroes they were stuck with an epic cliffhanger. Now how do our heroes handle this situation? Can CK and the Pagonians save Team Angel Wing from an untimley demise? And who is watching our heroes...?

:iconclub-kids::icondnxlightangel::iconarwingpilot1991::iconhypermegatailsfan::icondavidfoxfire::iconmissplayer30::iconbarbaaritha::iconsabrinashades::iconmanyworlds090: (And mystery user)
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ThePhantomBratplz's avatar
Soon CK, very soon you WILL be mine! :evileye: